Joe Hill in memoriam (Fausto Giudice)

Joe Hill, shot in Salt Lake City for a crime of which he was innocent, entered the gallery of heroes and martyrs of the world’s working class at the age of 36. He remains an example of a revolutionary artist and a fighter for both worlds, the old one and the new one. Fausto Giudice, who was an extra in Bo Widerberg’s film dedicated to Joe Hill in 1970, tells us about his exciting life, from GĂ€vle to Salt Lake City, and his tragic end.


A child of the iron
From New York to California
Rebel Girl
A Yankee lawsuit
Joan Baez, ‘Joe Hill’ (Woodstock, 1969)

Bengali version of the song, by Amitesh Sarkar

  • The Glocal Workshop
  • erga omnes Series Nr.1
  • 28 pages
  • Format: A5
  • Publication date: 26/9/2024

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‘Joe Hill ain’t dead’: 5 questions to Fausto Giudice

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Joel Emmanuel HĂ€gglund, alias Joe Hill, born in Sweden in 1879 and shot in Salt Lake City on 19 November 1915, left a message for his comrades in the IWW, the union of the ‘other labour movement’, which organised immigrants, blacks, women and those left behind by the dominant white, male and skilled trade unionism: ‘Don’t waste time mourning. Organize. Author of unforgettable songs (Casey Jones, Rebel Girl). His will:

My will is easy to decide, for there is nothing to divide,

My family doesn’t need to complain and quibble

“A rolling stone gathers no moss”
My body? Ah, if I could choose,

I would let it burn to ashes, And the joyful breezes blow
My dust where a few flowers will grow. So maybe a faded flower

Would come back to life and bloom again.

This is my last and ultimate will, Good luck to all,
Joe Hill


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