This site is managed by its owner, the French association (Law of 1901) The Glocal Workshop/L’Atelier Glocal/El Taller Glocal

Extract from the statutes

Article I

An association governed by the law of July 1st 1901 and the decree of August 16th 1901 is founded between the adherents to  the present statutes. Its title is: “The Glocal Workshop/L’Atelier Glocal”.

Article II

The objects of this association are

  • the promotion of reading and writing by publishing and distributing books and DVDs in all languages and on all media, in particular on the website;
  • the promotion of independent publishing initiatives favouring citizen engagement for social justice in all places;
  • the organisation of reading, writing, film/video/audio production and translation/interpretation workshops;
  • the federation of editorial initiatives at the global level;
  • the defence of freedom of expression and creation
  • shared self-training in all areas of citizens’ culture

The motto of the association is: “A people that does not read is condemned to die”.

Article III

Registered office

The registered office is located at the following address

29 Rue des Genêts
F-41000 Blois

If you wish to join our association, write to us at We will send you the statutes and the terms of membership (€120 or 24 hours of work per year, giving right to 6 free ebooks of your choice)

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