EN DE FR ES IT Anne Applebaum, the killing messenger or the Messenger’s killer In a moment of disgrace for the German publishing industry, Anne Applebaum has been named recipient of the 2024 Peace Prize of the German Book Trade, an annual award of the German Publishers and Booksellers Association. The Frankfurt Book Fair has …
Le Dr Yacine Haffaf, 68 ans, chirurgien viscéral vivant à La Réunion, a effectué une mission médicale auprès du CICR à Rafah du 4 juillet au 6 août 2024. Il nous fait part de son expérience
A 153 años de la Comuna de París
Democracia comunal y soberanía popular: ¡siempre de actualidad!
por Florence Gauthier
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EN DE FR ES IT Anne Applebaum, the killing messenger or the Messenger’s killer In a moment of disgrace for the German publishing industry, Anne Applebaum has been named recipient of the 2024 Peace Prize of the German Book Trade, an annual award of the German Publishers and Booksellers Association. The Frankfurt Book Fair has …
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