Education after Gaza (Renán Vega Cantor)

The title of this text paraphrases Education After AuschwitzPDF, the title of a radio lecture given by the German philosopher Theodor Adorno in 1966 and later published in printed form, the first lines of which read as follows: “Demanding that Auschwitz never happen again is the first requirement of all education. It precedes all others so much that I don’t think I should or can justify it. I can’t understand why we didn’t care so much about it until today. Justifying it would be somewhat monstrous in the face of the monstrosity of what happened. […] Discussing ideals in the field of education leads to nothing in the face of this demand: never again Auschwitz. This was the type of barbarism against which all education stands.”

Today we are faced with a repetition of the genocidal barbarism by Israel against the Palestinian people.   In this essay, Colombian historian Renán Vega Cantor outlines what critical educators driven by a humanist ethic could and should be doing.

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This essay was translated by Milena Rampoldi, revised by Supriyo Chatterjee and edited by Fausto Giudice, Tlaxcala, for The Glocal Workshop/L’Atelier Glocal/El Taller Glocal

Original español

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