The Capitalists of the 21st Century (Werner Rügemer)

An Easy-to-Understand Outline on the Rise of the New Financial Players
For the first time Rügemer presents a typology of the new financial players who became dominant since the deregulation and the last financial crisis. Large capital organizers, private equity funds, hedge fonds, venture capital investors and private investment banks became much more influential than the traditional banks. These new financial players organize worldwide selling, buying, and restructuring banks, companies and public companies. They don’t feel accountable toward national economies. Influencing governments and international financial institutions they lower the labour incomes and increase the part of private gains, also by using financial havens. They act in collaboration with law firms, rating and PR agencies, management consultants, chartered accountants and central banks. Rügemer outlines the relations between the European Union and the USA concerning transatlantic capital, military and secret service interlocking and the opening of latent conflicts. The book shows also the other way of State-lead capitalism in the People’s Republic of China: how the imported capitalism from the USA, Japan, Taiwan and Western Europe is in the process of transformation. So the incomes of all classes and also especially the labour incomes are continually rising. China is shown with its alternative way of globalisation which is not accompanied by military expansion. Finally the book asks about the way the human society could take if it follows the international law of the UNO and the human rights including social and labour rights.

E-Book 9,99€ Softcover 14,99 € Hardcover 22,00€

  • Werner Rügemer
  • Tredition 2019
  • 312 pages
  • ISBN Paperback: 978-3-7497-1162-8
  • ISBN Hardcover 978-3-7497-1163-5
  • ISBN Ebook 978-3-7497-11642

Read Werner Rügemer, a voice from the other Germany: interview

Original : Die Kapitalisten des 21. Jahrhunderts
Version française :Les Capitalistes du XXIème siècle
Versione italiana Capitalisti nel XXI secolo. I nuovi operatori finanziari

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